ARM > Introduction to ARM > Operand2
Examples of Operand2
Immediate values
MOV r0, #42 ; Move the value 42 into R0
ORR r1, r1, #0xFF00 ; OR the value 0xFF00 with R1
Registers shifted by values
MOV r2, r2, LSR #1 ; Shift R2 right by one bit
RSB r10, r5, r14, ASR #14 ; Shift R14 right by 14 bits while sign extending, then subtract R5 from that. Put the result in R10. (RSB = Reverse Subtract)
Registers shifted by registers
BIC r11, r11, r1, LSL r0 ; Take R1 and shift it left by R0, then use that as a mask to clear bits in R11. Put the result in R11
CMP r9, r8, ROR r0 ; Take R8 and rotate it right by R0, then compare that with R9. The result is the processor flags
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Barrel Shifter
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Immediate Values